måndag 3 mars 2014

I am afraid!

Due to what's happening in Ukraine and Russia, I am afraid! 
I never feared Saddam Hussein, I have some respect for North Korea, but Russia scares me. 
President Putin has shown that he has power, that he isn't afraid of taking action to show his might, that he doesn't fear if the rest of the world doesn't agree with him. That scares me. 
Living on Gotland, we know we are a strategic island for Russia, IF they have a plan of taking over. God forgive if that ever will happen. 
I do not want to be a part of a war. I wish all wars could end! Why do people have to fight?

And being gay, living on a strategic place for a country that now has said what they think of homosexuality, that is not for me. 

I fear Russia since I think they are up to something even bigger. 
I feel with the people in Ukraine that disagree with the situation. But I think that Russia finally got their opening for their bigger plan. 

I guess I am wrong and that none has nothing to fear. But what if?

Let's just pray that the solution is near and without the big conflict that the media is writing about. 

People of Ukraine, you have my support!

söndag 23 februari 2014

Forever alone?

Okay, here's the deal. I am single. And I have been single for about four years now. For some that is not a long time at all and for others it feels like a lifetime.
For me... Well, I am pleased with my situation, sort of.

I am not sure if I want some one in my life or not. One part of me is screaming for someone to hold on to. Someone to hug and kiss, someone that I can make dinner for, someone that is at home when I get home form work and says: Hi, how was your day?
But then there is this other part of me that just wants to be alone. That couldn't stand a minute with someone around me all the time. That part of me that needs to be alone, that doesn't want to love.

I would love to have a friend, not a friend with benefits, but a friend that I could live together with that could respect my privacy, in the same way that I would respect my friends privacy. A friend that I could watch TV with but then go to my own bedroom, alone, and just be me for a minute.
A friend that all of a sudden could say: Hey, I am going away for a few days. See you later!

Then, isn't that what love is all about? That you have a friend that you respect, that respect you, that you can trust and leave for a while, that see you without being all over you?

I am confused... And also being queer and by that I mean that I fall in love with a person, not the sex, that makes it a bit difficult. I just have to find that special one and then I know... Then I wont be alone.

But, do I long for that special one or is it just something that I have to accept when it happens? That I find or that I will be found?

Crap, love sucks! But not being alone.

onsdag 12 februari 2014

Guess what!

Time to support me as a filmmaker!

I am sooooo close to finish my first feature film ever. Sooo close...! Just need your help the last bit of the road.

Just check it out. Would you do that for me? And maybe share the word about this? *sad face*

måndag 27 januari 2014

To all of you out there...

This isn't a request, this is an order.

See this film! And if you somehow can get it to the stupid president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, please make it happen.
If not to him then to the rest of the people who think being gay is wrong!!!! It isn't...

You are who you are and end of story. Please be proud of who you are!!!!

And for those who has to live in fear without being able to show your true nature: Stay strong! We hear you and want to be here for you.

Inlägg efter namn Teen Quotes.

lördag 18 januari 2014

New year!

It is a new year and wow, so many things has happened and will still happen!

I have moved! Yes, now I live in a big house that I am renting. And to move from 42 square meters to 120 square meters, that is a bit of a change.
All of a sudden I realize I have to little furnitures, to little stuff over all, and therefore I have so much more space! It is actually looking clean all the time! :) And that is a big thing, for me.
I hate cleaning...

But I have my own house, with a garden where I can be free and grow my own vegetables and fruit and berries. I can start to live!

So, for the time being I am happy! And will try to write here a little more often. ;)

tisdag 12 november 2013

Self confidence...

To be honest, right now my self confidence is low. 
And I don't have any reason to feel that way. People are happy with me. People have confidence in me. Even people I don't know can open them self up to me. 

I have a part in a short film that I am looking forward too!

So why am I feeling that low. I don't know. Maybe it has been to much of that extra "attention" that has made me stumble a little. I am not used to be loved in that way. 

Maybe one day I'll learn. 

söndag 6 oktober 2013

Somehow, it hurts!

I don't know what to say. I thought I had got over my ex. Well, get over and get over... We are wonderful friends! And that is a really good thing.
But now he has got a new partner, and I am glad for him, even though it hurts. And that makes me confused. That it has been three and a half years since we split up and still there is a sting in my heart.

Well, we do lived together for 4,5 years and had mostly good times. And we got so close to each other. Could be therefore it hurts, that we shared so much and now it is somehow the final nail in the coffin.

And maybe I feel alone. Or left alone, and I don't have any reason at all to feel left alone. He hasn't left me for an other guy. I was the one who left him for my home.

God, it is so confusing! And I am not sure I want a new relationship, or maybe I do.

I feel sad, and down, but still I am glad he has a partner that he can love and that can love him. That is something that everyone deserve! To be loved!